Monday, October 3, 2011

I didn't come here to impress none of you motherfuckers

I'm brilliant, lazy and arrogant, but not necessarily in that order, and have come to realize that's just the way it is. At least i don't need anyone making a point of this for me to realize the truth. Anyhow. I don't give a damn if you think I'm wrong. This is my sandbox, I'm the one building this castle and you don't impress me much by building a better one elsewhere or by handing me a recipe to make mine a better one here.

I've got stories to tell, but I'm not sure I've got the voice to ever get them told. Hopefully I do, but there are no guarantees shining an optimistic light towards such a future. Don't be surprised if this is as humble as I'll ever appear here, but then again don't be surprised if you one day read one of my stories or watch a movie or TV-show based on a screenplay written by me. I need structure and time, and both are rare commodities. Time especially so. If I ever won the lottery I wouldn't enjoy the freedom to buy luxury items half as much as I'd enjoy the time I could waste at my own rate without worries.

To be honest I'm quite uninspired these days. I watch the new TV-episodes without much anticipation, I haven't been taking pictures in weeks and I can't get myself to watch any of the new movies I've got laying around. It might very well be the autumn, but it's not like I get depressed by the shorter days and the cold and dark winter coming my way. I do believe it's more about the work moving very slowly, much slower progress than anticipated, and as a result the hard work put into it doesn't feel as rewarded. It might also be a certain new acquaintance reminding me once again what I do lack in life. The big bed feels colder and bigger than ever.

And I'm not young anymore, and I haven't got that boyish charming look reflecting my inner child (or at least I don't think so). If I keep up this train of thoughts I'm just gonna get more uninspired.

I do love my T-shirts, and that's where I got my title. I highly recommend T-shirt Hell, and I keep wasting my hard earned money on more laughable classy shirts. I have no fashion sense whatever, and might as well rather enjoy my childish ways. You might even smile as you stumble upon me and read one of them.

Speaking of reading, I'm still on The Chronicles of Narnia. Still got very little time and inspiration to read much, so there's quite a few books left to get around to. I tend to read more as the days get shorter, and have enough unread material in my library to get me through the winter. Hopefully I'll get a few great experiences along the way.

I do have a promising future as a cyber-stalker, but that's for another time and place...

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