Rated TV

Fresh ratings of those TV-shows I watch, either freshly or revisited. Shows are alphabetized under each star-rating and linked to blog-reviews which usually include season-ratings all well. This page will be updated as I complete watching completed shows, and once in a while for a selective few of those currently airing ones.
Older ratings from the old TV-blog can be found here.



Dark Angel
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip




The Unusuals


Guilty Pleasures

Let's be honest. Not all shows are about quality above all, but for some reason a few of those still keep us watching. These shows, solely found on the guilty pleasures quota, will be ranked on their own scale;
the Guilty Pleasures Three-Stars scale.

Short explanation:
★★★ It might not be great, but as guilty pleasures goes it's a very enjoyable waste of time...
★★☆ It passes the time, without boring me to death or anything...
★☆☆ I know I shouldn't waste more time on this, and hopefully I can kick the habit...




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