Wednesday, April 4, 2012

-Buffy the Vampire Slayer: MacGuffins-

Cover Artist: Mike Mignola
Writer:J.L. Van Meter
Penciller:Luke Ross
Inker:Rick Ketcham
Letterer:Steve Dutro
Colorist:Guy Major
Details:64 pages - $4.95 US
Published:August 26, 1998
Publisher:Dark Horse

Buffy's first comic release, -MacGuffins-, was just a short story in this publisher collection alongside Hellboy and others.

I doubt anyone could have predicted the impact Buffy's entrance into the comic-world eventually would have. No disrespect to any of the artists involved, but they didn't exactly catch the spirit of Buffy in this attempt. Well, with the exception of writer Van Meter. He actually managed to write a little story that captured a lot of Buffy's core and that Sunnydale-feel, despite not even taking place in Sunnydale. The art-work from Ross and Ketchum did however leave me feeling like they had no idea who Buffy was. Their Buffy felt like a semi-bimbo, and that's no way to threat The Chosen One.

★★☆☆☆ -MacGuffins-

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